Friday, February 19, 2010

Album Review: Lil Wayne Rebirth

Last week Lil Wayne released a new yet very different album. Rebirth was Waynes equivalent to Kanye's 808 & Heartbreaks noting his recent infatuation with singing. I must say, that I am highly impressed because I personally get tired of Wayne and most times desire more than his quirky metaphors. The rock n roll feel almost recreates a reason to listen to the guy. I give him a B! Listen to my favorite track.

Tiger Coming Outta the Woods!

Here we go again with the Tiger Woods saga. Today is the first day that Tiger will address the public since his infidelity scandal that almost ruined his marriage. Many think that it is his business and does not owe anyone an apology. Some think that because of his fortune and success, that he owes everyone an apology. What do you think?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Culture Shock hosts The Magic City Black Expo

This weekend, we will be hosting The Magic City Black Expo, brought to you by DTR Promotions. This event is uplifting to the African American community. The expo will consist of multiple vendors, speakers and artists all in effort to stimulate the black community. So join us this Saturday Feb 6th, for MCBE.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lil Wayne to headline "We Are The World" Remake

Remember the 1985s world healing song "We Are The World?" This was a combination of the music industrys leading artist starting with Michael Jackson, onto Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder, Paul McCartney, and many more, all for the effort of creating a song that would insprie the world over. Well, 25 years later, Wayne and others are gathering for 2010s rendition. Think it'll have the same effect? Read the story here.