With the recent emergence of of the BET Awards I have honestly forgotten about the Soul Train Awards. But as we all know Soul Train is where it all began. This years Soul Train Awards was very refreshing. Despite the absence of many A level artist, I was happy to see many of the B listers.
In todays music industry, to ever be considered a legend, one of the criteria is that you document a legendary performance. Michael Jackson's Motown Live 25, Prince 1985 AMA performance, Celine Dion at the 1996 Olympics, Jay-Z's MTV Unplugged, and many more are all performances that almost serve as the cherry on top of a flavorful career.
Sunday Night R&B's most scrutinized (well deserved might I add), prolific, and most recognized artist of the past 20 years finally had the opportunity to imprint his legendary status by giving a performance of a lifetime. R. Kelly surprised the world by even showing up, and while there gave fans a blast from the past singing a medley from his numerous hits young and old. He climaxed with his new and yet bold single "When a Woman Loves." I can't lie and pretend that this is one of my favorite songs, however, I must admit that the the guy is singing the hell out of it. The guy stood flat footed and out sang any guy in the game right now with an old school melody and it was a genuine soulful performance. The performance drew emotion whether you like the song or not. He capped it off with a celebratory reprise to the song and even danced and played the piano.
Regardless the flaws of us as human beings, our talents and abilities have the power to change the world. I am glad to have lived through his career to see it evolve.
Holla, Da Nasty 1