I watched Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel on last evening, as they discussed an ever churning spiral of student athletes being paid for services. This show featured former Auburn football players that described in detail of how they received money and sexual benefits while being recruited and playing at Auburn. On the surface, there is nothing different about this story. We have long heard of the infamous handshakes from boosters after games and the sexual services on recruiting trips.
My question is, why Auburn and why now?

If you ask me, I don't think these young men really care about the NCAA clamping down on cheating more than they seem to be reacting from not receiving a recent payoff. And Fatboy had the nerve to say that he felt taken advantage of. I guarantee these young men reached out to Auburn alum prior to recording this special and made one last request. Otherwise, I see no other motive for doing this. Why, disgrace your school now? Why do it after they have just received the most covenanted prize in college football? I know why. The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil!
Da Nasty One!