Okay I offer my deepest apologies for being MIA for the past few days. My sinuses attacked me over the weekend and yesterday my Internet usage was limited to my Sidekick. But to appease you I have some new talent for all you true hip hop heads.
Poe Picasso's "Exhibit A: The Real Hip Hop Project" has been in heavy rotation on my playlist for over a month now. You can download his mixtape here.
Poe is an MC from Brooklyn and he really brings the lyrics to the table going in the opposite direction of the mainstream. He is currently putting the finishing touches on Exhibit B which I have been waiting for. I follow him on Twitter, and have bugged him at least once a week about when his next project will be ready; he always tells me to be patient. You gotta love a guy that replies to your tweets!!! You can follow him @poepicasso, and also follow me @CallMeDeonshay and the Culture Shock guys @cultureshockws.
-Deonshay Danson
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