Are you constantly on Facebook? Is your significant other on Facebook? Many times the social networking phenomenon causes insecurities amongst lovers, because of the all day access to people, old flings, and new flings. It's like being in the club all day. I know that not everyone is tempted the engage in extra curricular activities but there is room for doubt for your lover.
The question is what steps can be made to make our ;lovers feel secure in our social networking journey.
1. Your time on Facebook should not be in "The Closet." That simply means you should check it in the presence of your mate. Maybe even share some interesting moments that you encounter. Your openness about your activity gives your partner the opportunity to feel apart of your cyber experience. Welcome him or her to sit with you while you surf.
2. A picture of your mate on your profile never hurts. It shows that you are not ashamed of your commitment and that you are not on the market. And while you're at it go ahead and change your relationship status to accurately state your position. Don't be slick JACK!
3. As addicted as you are to Facebook, set aside times to where you do not communicate at all on Facebook. No matter what text updates hit your phone. Show your mate that your time with them is more valuable than that time you spend on Facebook.
Follow these steps and you are on your way to a relationship stress free cyber experience. Be Out!
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