The media is one of the most complicated yet influential avenues that we the people feed on. They control the ability to stir the emotions of the people. They feed us sadness, anger, happiness, which in all keeps us the viewers coming back for more.
But there are times when the media exploit there abilities to the detriment of those they helped build. Celebrities are put under a huge microscope in an attempt to dehumanize these superstars. The media makes big to do's about things that we as fans do everyday.
The truth of the matter is that Tiger Woods, Chris Brown, Brittany Spears, are Real People, and they do Real Things just like me and you. If anything, adversity and temptation approaches them at a stronger and faster pace than the ordinary human being.
Tiger Woods is being unfairly criticized by people for something that is done everyday. We did not grow to love Tiger because of his commitment to his family. We enjoyed his genius like approach to the game of golf. But as we see the 24 hour invasion of his life he is wrongfully portrayed as an immortal that has committed an unheard of crime that is suppose to change everyone opinion of him. It is almost more beneficial for celebrities not to let the public define who and what you are. Never let them place you on a pedestal because it only leads to a media led decline.
Be Out!
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