-Deonshay Danson
I love heist movies, and the movie Takers looks like one that I will have to see. The line-up of actors is ridiculous!!! The movie features T.I, Idris Elba, Matt Dillon, Paul Walker, Michael Ely and Chris Brown.
Definitely a MUST SEE!
-Deonshay Danson
The wait for little girls of color is over. Disney has created it's first full length animated film with a black princess. First, I didn't even know that Disney still made animated feature films, because all I ever see are Pixar movies. Second, it's about time that young black girls have a Disney princess that they can call there own.
I grew up watching Disney movies, my faves (Lion King, Pocahontas, Mulan, and Aladdin). Notice how Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty are not in my faves. Even as a young girl, I was well aware of my skin complexion and the implications of it, and it bothered me that Disney, which was for ALL kids, didn't have any princesses who even came close to looking like me. Pocahontas, Mulan, and Princess Jasmine diversified their princess pool, and I particularly liked Pocahontas and Mulan for their strength and courage.
I still think that it is a shame that we got a Black president before we got a Black Disney Princess, and maybe the election served as a catalyst for Disney to make a Black Princess. The movie comes out this holiday season and I will be taking my teenage sister (17) and my baby sister (1) to go see this movie, even if the teenager doesn't want to go...lol.
-Deonshay Danson
There's a new trend going on in cosmetic surgery...eye color transplants. Women, especially women of color are going to Panama to get their eye color permanently changed.
Wow, was all I could say when I first read about this procedure. What ever happened to just getting colored contacts, or just being proud of your deep brown eyes?
I'll say like I said when I posted the "Good Hair" we as a people are going to have to love ourselves. We can't let the media image of beauty decide for us what is beautiful and what is not beautiful. We are all beautiful in our own particular way. You may not have light colored eyes or long straight hair, but you may possess kindness, patience, or generosity that makes you more beautiful than any runway model.
Beauty is more than looks, beauty is personality, beauty is spirit, beauty is in the mind.
Let's love ourselves and the way we were created.
-Deonshay Danson
I was perusing one of my favorite blogs that I don't write for...Concrete Loop, and got put on to a new singer, Brittany Bosco. And I think I'm in love with her sound, to say the very least.
I don't really get excited about today's singers unless they have some qualities of yesterday's singers. And Brittany Bosco has just that. Her sound gives me a Harlem Renaissance kind of vibe; she reminds me of Billie Holiday. You can listen or download her album Spectrum 2.0 here.
-Deonshay Danson