Sorry about the delay, but the new segment of "Real People Doing Real Things," is finally here!!! Today's spotlight is on Jurian Isabelle, a filmmaker from Huntsville, Ala. I got to talk to Jurian about his current and future projects, as well as how he became interested in film. So here we go!!!

1. How did you get involved in film? When did you know that film was what you wanted to do? My first time getting involved with "filmmaking" was when I was eight years old, believe it or not. I used to sneak in my dad's drawer and play with his JVC camera. I just always had an inner attraction to the idea of telling a story through images and emotion. I remember making my first "film" when I was 11. It was right after the film "Independence Day" came out with Will Smith, you remember that? LOL! I didn't have the budget for the "effects" but my creativity went a loooooong way. LOL! My mom still pulls that first movie out at family functions, and I, of course, run upstairs and hide under my bed.
2. Where did you get the inspiration for your first film, Veils of Color?
It's kind of semi-autobiographical. I based a lot of it on my life after graduating college and entering the "real" world - being broke, not being able to find a job and suddenly realizing through situations that there was still a considerable amount of racism in this country. It's not as blatant, but it exists. So I wanted to tackle that issue head on.

3. How did you go about filming your movie?
Well, first I had to come up with a decent script. You don't have a movie without a good script. Then it came down to casting. I had in my head some of the actors already, mainly family and friends. The others came through casting calls. Finally, there was principle photography (which is a fancy ass word for shooting). I only could afford to rent the camera and lights for three days, so the entire film had to be shot within that time frame. It was fun, but very tough.

4. What do you hope people will gain from viewing film?
My main goal when I create films is to communicate some sort of relevant message to challenge and change people's hearts and minds. In"Veils of Color", I am communicating to the audience that you can't judge a person from outward appearances - skin color, background, hair, weight, height, they are all "Veils" that we have to remove to see the real person beneath.
5. In what venues will/has your movie been viewed?
So far it has been viewed at the Capri Theatre in Montgomery, AL at the Montgomery Black Film Festival back in August. The next screening will be at the International Black Film Festival in Nashville. Also there will be showings here in Huntsville, AL. I am still talking with the managers at Monaco Pictures, but it's looking good so far.
(Trailer for "Veils of Color")
6. What are some other projects that working on?
I'm doing a short film called "The Last Disciples" for the BET short film competition. The script is done and I will begin shooting that in a few weeks. Prayerfully, it will win. It's basically about three people going through life's trials and tribulations. After that I'm working on a full length film, which is going to be based on the Harlem Renaissance. I can't tell you the complete details on that yet. Sorry Shay, good ideas are the only thing a filmmaker has! LOL!
7. How can people get a copy of the film?
I am currently setting up a film site for "Veils of Color" since it's doing so well. But for the mean time, people can hit me up on Myspace or Facebook to place a money order. Starting next Monday, they can order it through PayPal on my Myspace page. Just google me.
8. How can people get in contact with you about screenings?
They can find me on Facebook: Jurian Isabelle, or shoot me an email: jurianisabelle@gmail.com I check my email fanatically, so they can reach me there for sure.
9. Anything else you want to add?
I just set up my blog nothing's up yet, I'm trying to be like you Deonshay. LOL! This blog is dope. I like it. I also just started my twitter page (@jurianisabelle) so everybody can follow me through all this madness. I never would have believed 18 years ago, I would have accomplished all this. All thanks goes to God definitely.

4. What do you hope people will gain from viewing film?
My main goal when I create films is to communicate some sort of relevant message to challenge and change people's hearts and minds. In"Veils of Color", I am communicating to the audience that you can't judge a person from outward appearances - skin color, background, hair, weight, height, they are all "Veils" that we have to remove to see the real person beneath.
5. In what venues will/has your movie been viewed?
So far it has been viewed at the Capri Theatre in Montgomery, AL at the Montgomery Black Film Festival back in August. The next screening will be at the International Black Film Festival in Nashville. Also there will be showings here in Huntsville, AL. I am still talking with the managers at Monaco Pictures, but it's looking good so far.
(Trailer for "Veils of Color")

I'm doing a short film called "The Last Disciples" for the BET short film competition. The script is done and I will begin shooting that in a few weeks. Prayerfully, it will win. It's basically about three people going through life's trials and tribulations. After that I'm working on a full length film, which is going to be based on the Harlem Renaissance. I can't tell you the complete details on that yet. Sorry Shay, good ideas are the only thing a filmmaker has! LOL!
7. How can people get a copy of the film?
I am currently setting up a film site for "Veils of Color" since it's doing so well. But for the mean time, people can hit me up on Myspace or Facebook to place a money order. Starting next Monday, they can order it through PayPal on my Myspace page. Just google me.

They can find me on Facebook: Jurian Isabelle, or shoot me an email: jurianisabelle@gmail.com I check my email fanatically, so they can reach me there for sure.
9. Anything else you want to add?
I just set up my blog nothing's up yet, I'm trying to be like you Deonshay. LOL! This blog is dope. I like it. I also just started my twitter page (@jurianisabelle) so everybody can follow me through all this madness. I never would have believed 18 years ago, I would have accomplished all this. All thanks goes to God definitely.
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