I had the opportunity to be the guest columnist for this weeks Weekend Pass. I thought that the column would make a great blog. Be sure to check out
The Weekend Pass for everything social in Montgomery!
Humans are blessed with the intangible ability to believe. To believe is to accept something as truth. Something that does not exist is a reality in the heart and mind of one who believes. As kids we grow up believing in Santa Claus, The Boogie Man, Super heroes and so much more. The very thought of our beliefs being true kept us aspiring so that we could fully indulge or become what we believed in.
As we get older, we begin to lose our ability to believe, and begin to accept what people call reality. If we are all honest, Christmas was much better when we believed in Santa Claus. Playing sports was much more fun when we believed that we could be the next Michael Jordan, or Jerry Rice. But somewhere in life, some stop believing and began accepting “reality.” They relinquished their dreams and start to reach only for what they can see. They find a job that sustains a lifestyle, and become comfortable in living in “reality”, only to soon grow bored and soon dislike their job. This discomfort comes from natures desire to believe. The drive and push for something more.
As humans, we must hold on to our ability to believe. The purpose of our being is to believe. Our spirituality is based on belief. Every person should have one thing within their heart that they believe in. Something that is not yet seen, but your belief is going to make it reality. If you achieve your goal, begin searching for the next belief. Believing keeps us striving, growing, learning and achieving. What do you believe in? What are you doing to achieve it?
Terrence Baldwin, Culture Shock
Real People, Doing Real Things